What gets you going?

As you may know from previous posts, I’ve admitted to my fear of running –  fear of my inability to run.

I’ve now achieved getting beyond the fear! Now I need to grasp what it takes to stay motivated.


Motivation starts us and with habit it becomes routine.  Sometimes very difficult – especially with responsibilities.

Being self-employed I struggle with routine. Diet, sleep pattern and general fitness are unfortunately dependant on the schedule for that week, fortnight and regrettably sometimes that month.

How do I fix this?

There are a lot of theories about how we get motivated and what motivates us. Being motivated is one thing – acting on it is vital!

Situations that motivate me; Seeing people do well – especially when they’ve worked hard, motivates me. Unfortunately, it doesn’t always make me “take action”. So the motivation is in place but still now that added “something” to give me that get up and go.

I reckon being told you are “lazy” or “you can’t do that” is a big motivation tool for a lot of people – myself included.


“If you do this – you will get that”

The carrot /stick theory.

Main issues for not staying motivated (Also known as excuses)

Northern Irish weather

Work schedule change 

Unplanned events

Laziness /Lack of energy (diet)

I’m well aware that although these things are a factor, they are easily changed and should not hold me back from doing what I really want to achieve/do.

What I’m trying to realise is HOW can I become motivated – What are my incentives for getting out of bed that hour earlier than I need to?

Why do I need to be better?

The reason I want these things is to become the best version of myself – fitter, stronger and more educated in what makes me and others tick!

We all want to be healthy,  consistently reach our career potentials and have excellent relationships with others but is WANTING something a motivator? Unfortunately no.

Wanting to be successful doesn’t get us out of bed in the morning (an hour earlier so we can go for a run before work) – having real PURPOSE and RESPONSIBLITIES do.

The moment we realise in life that only WE are responsible for our actions, opportunities and time on this planet. It is only then that we understand our PROBLEMS and RESTRICTIONS are really only EXCUSES!

What / who will motivate you today? And what will you do about it?

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