The Competition


Nope, I’m not offering the chance to win a sunny holiday..

Today’s thought is – Is life just one big competition?

To be better than the next person? To go further than anyone thought possible?

Perhaps the answers to these questions is yes.

I have my own slightly simplified version of this. One personality trait I lack is competitiveness. I dislike competition so avoid it.

My belief system is to become the best version of myself (hench this blog!!)

You are you. No one else gets the same opportunities, skills and drive as you do so why want to be like that person?

This belief isn’t spiritual or religious but I like to imagine multiple versions of me. THOUSANDS of other Kathryn’s who look like me, walk, talk and act like me. But they don’t all think like me.  I  AM THE BEST!

When that other Kathryn rolls over at 7am I am awake and being productive (I wish this was the case everyday).

When you think this way you do your best. You imagine how you’d usually behave – simple things like taking the lift instead of the stairs… Don’t let that other ‘Kathryn’ bring you down.


Whether or not we actually need competition is a matter of opinion. Some argue why we need it is because people are not intrinsically inclined to be self-motivated for their own betterment.

Being competitive in our academic, working and personal lives can be good for achieving success and moving ‘up the ladder’. But these positives have a negative – being competitive causes us jealously, anger, fierce rivalry and in some cases you to resent others who are seemingly doing better than you.

dj's fighting Being a DJ is a highly competitive job

Here’s a scenario….there’s one cake. Cut into 10 slices but there’s 15 wanting to take some cake.

What happens? 5 people miss out.

What are you going to do? Be competitive and be better than the others? Yes you can try that but it will only be an ATTEMPT. Aim to be the best you can and don’t watch the others. Miss out on the cake? Find another. Or wait until another cake is made whilst improving yourself. That’s life.

All great things in life are like a piece of cake – everyone wants some!


All great things in life are like a piece of cake – everyone wants some!

Enjoy your life and your work. Don’t take setbacks too personally. We’re all in the same race – some of us are just playing catch up.

Be your biggest competitor – challenge yourself each day to be better than you were yesterday.

Can’t run, won’t run!


Like many, I just never got into exercise. I didn’t have much interest in competitive sports in school – I walked everywhere and that was the height of my fitness.

The last couple of months I’ve been taking part in things in work, at home and with my friends – conversations and activities that have made me think more about fear and what scares me. Running is one of these things.


I can run but not for long. The negative thoughts take over, “I hate this”, “I’m out of breath”, “My feet are sore”, “I’ve got cramp” are some of the very few thoughts many of us deal with (I’m sure you can think of a few of  ‘your minds’ favourites!)

As running is a fear – I fear of not being able to achieve running, I therefore believe it’s something I should be able to tolerate, if not learn to enjoy. Most people fear spiders, heights and the unknown, but I’ve learned that I’m afraid of my inabilites.

As part of this mission I thought I’d throw myself in at the deep end. I signed up for the Lisburn 10k and with next to no training – took part. It was tough! The first mile I did quite easily – at that sort of event alone carries you. Then by mile two I wanted to run a lot slower and even stop. I got every usual mindset excuse in the book, “this hurts”, “can’t breathe”, “muscle pain/cramps” along with the blisters, sweat, and dehydration but I still powered through.

The emotion of pride and exhaustion meant I burst into tears as I crossed the finish line. 

I can honestly say I’ve never had a sense of achievement like it, in my adult life anyway.

Kathryn B Wilson Northern Ireland DJ

“Success isn’t how far you got, but the distance you travelled from where you started.”

My plan is to now take steps. Unfortunately, I have only ran once since my 10k which was two weeks ago, though I hope to run for an hour once a week – MINIMUM.

I’m going to purchase new running shoes, clothing – right down to socks, so I feel more positive and comfortable (& have less excuses!). If you can recommend any of these things please send them to me!

I’m also going to be working on a running mix – as a DJ this is something I’m particularly excited about and will definitely want your input.

If you are a runner – especially someone who has struggled on their “Road to Running” and have thoughts or advice please send them my way! Any help is REALLY appreciated!